Global Missions:
As a church, we are committed to seeing the gospel spread throughout the world. For this reason, we support global mission work. Every year, for a 7-week period (starting the Sunday after Easter until Pentecost Sunday), our church focuses on praying and promoting the work of missionaries in different countries. We support missionaries that work with Resonate Global Mission. There are over 200 missionaries and partners who spread the good news of Jesus Christ around the world. Our church supports the work of Resonate mission agency as whole.
Resonate Global Mission
Liam and Jessica Starkenburg: our missionaries who have been working with Resonate Global Mission in Managua, Nicaragua since July 2000. Liam has been the director of the International campus of the Nicaragua Christian Academy (NCA). The academy seeks to “equip children of Christian parents the spiritual discernment, the moral courage, and the academic excellence to impact society through Christian living motivated by a heartfelt love for God.” To learn more about the ministry of the Starkenburgs, check out their page on Resonate’s website.
Africa Inland Mission
Africa Inland Missionaries: we support a missionary family that works under Africa Inland Mission in Ontario, Canada. They have a robust outreach ministry to refugees coming from East Africa. They provide English-as-second language classes, tutoring, painting and other ministries of mercy. Many of them coming from a majority Muslim country. The family has received multiple death threats. We are not able to publish their names for security reasons. Ocean View has been supporting this missionary family since 2001.
Local Missions:
Local Christian Schools
Ocean View Christian Academy, Mission Statement: To equip students spiritually, intellectually, and physically to love God, love people, and make disciples.
Our Value: As a covenantal community, we are committed to Christian schools as the social agent that can make Christian education effective in the totality of life. We affirm that Christian school education is a communal as well as a parental responsibility. We want to encourage the children of the church to be educated in a way that acknowledges the lordship of Jesus Christ in all subject areas. This is why we support Christian schools that teach the biblical, Reformed vision of Christ’s lordship over all creation.
Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater
Mission Statement: to reach out to those women and families involved in crisis-related pregnancies, offering them real help for the present, hope for the future, and healing for their past.
In South Hampton Roads, ⅓ of babies lose their life to abortion. This means that abortion is the number 1 cause of death. CPC exists to save lives, spare hearts and further the gospel of Jesus Christ. CPC operates 3 medical clinics and 2 pregnancy centers, known as The Keim Centers. Medical clinics offer ultrasound services, prenatal vitamins, and medical consults. All locations offer pregnancy testing, counseling, community referrals, practical help, discipleship classes for new believers, parenting classes and post abortive classes with Bible study. CPC does not provide or refer for abortions. All services free of charge, which allows them to extend genuine care without any financial gain from pregnancy decision. The ministry of CPC is supported through private funding.
Our Value: We believe that all human beings are image bearers of God and affirm the unique value of all human life. We believe that the sixth commandment, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13), includes the unborn.
Dordt University
Mission Statement: to develop and implement an understanding of the entire creation in the liberating light of the Scripture. We desire to be an institution of Reformed, Christian learning for the benefit of both students and the broader community by providing serviceable insight to prepare students for competent, obedient service in all aspects of contemporary life.
Dordt is a liberal arts university which was founded in 1955 by members of the Christian Reformed Church. Dordt University is a comprehensive college with more than 90 majors to choose from in Sioux Center, Iowa. Dordt offers an excellent education from a Reformed Christian perspective. The college welcomes all students who are interested in a biblical, Christ-centered education.
Our Value: As a covenantal community, we are committed to Christian schools as the social agent that can make Christian education effective in the totality of life. We affirm that Christian school education is a communal as well as a parental responsibility. We want to encourage the children of the church to be educated in a way that acknowledges the lordship of Jesus Christ in all subject areas. This is why we support Christian schools that teach the biblical, Reformed vision of Christ’s lordship over all creation.
Faith Recovery
Mission Statement: Faith Recovery is committed to restoring lives and families that have been devastated by drug addiction and alcoholism, rebuilding character based on integrity and Biblical moral values, and establishing sober citizens back into the community who are, physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally prepared to live a productive life.
Founded in 1979, Faith Recovery (formerly named Youth Challenge of Hampton Roads) is a Christ-centered residential discipleship program for men and women, ages 18 and up whose lives have been devastated by drug addiction and alcoholism. Faith Recovery is committed to the restoration, rebuilding and establishing of sound minds, bodies and spirits of their residents. Faith Recovery offer a long-term residential program using a Christ-centered approach to addiction. The program addresses the spiritual root of addition, along with practical tools which equip residents to maintain lifelong sobriety. The residential program provides group and individual counseling, an educational component where participants can obtain their GED, life skills classes, spiritual discipleship, and vocational training. It also provides housing, meals, hygiene needs, and transportation to and from court dates and doctor appointments to the residents.
Our Value: We support Faith Recovery in their work, because we believe that the only lasting way to attain sobriety is by the power of Jesus Christ.
Gideons International
Mission Statement: The Gideons International is an interdenominational association of Christian business and professional men who are members of Protestant / evangelical churches. Our members are dedicated to winning the lost through personal witnessing and the distribution of God's Word in more than 190 countries around the world.
Gideons International serves as an extended missionary arm of the church. Their sole purpose is to win men, women, boys and girls to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ through association for service, personal testimony, and distributing the Bible in populated areas and streams of everyday life.
Our Value: We believe that God’s Word is powerful and that everyone needs to come in contact with it. In Isaiah 55:11, God says that His word “will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
Luke Society
Mission Statement: The Luke Society comes alongside indigenous health professionals who are called to serve their own people. Our primary purpose is to empower them to provide quality medical care and health education as they share the Gospel of Jesus. We equip these Christian visionaries through encouragement, prayer support, mentoring and financial assistance. Ours is a Christ-centered ministry of evangelism and discipleship, transforming communities by reconciling man to man and man to God through the truth of the Gospel.
In 1964, a group of Christian Reformed physicians and dentists organized together to prevent the closure of the Rehoboth Mission Hospital in Gallup, New Mexico. That group of doctors became the Luke Society. These doctors started clinics in the Mississippi delta. Soon after Luke Society ministries were started in the Philippines, India, Honduras, Perú, Ghana, Romania, the Dominican Republic, Romania, México, Indonesia and Ukraine. The Luke Society currently has partnerships with more than 30 ministries in 35 countries around the world.
Our Value: Our Savior, Jesus Christ shows compassion on those who were physically sick. We want to empower Christian physicians to bring physical healing and the message of the gospel hand-in-hand.
Union Mission Ministries
Mission Statement: To aid the poor and needy; to reform the erring; to help those that are out of the way; to feed the hungry; to shelter the homeless; to preach the gospel; and to rescue the perishing.
The Union Mission Ministries is a well-known Gospel Rescue Mission in our area. The mission serves the ‘least of these’ of our community. They provide for physical needs by offering hot meals and warm beds, showers, laundry, and clean clothing. Union Mission trains for job and life skills and offers counseling. Alongside meeting physical needs, the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ is shared through the gospel, and people find hope for a better future.
The Union Mission Ministries has been caring for the poor and needy of our community since 1892. The Union Mission was founded by a group of Methodist businessmen. From its beginnings as a small shelter in downtown Norfolk, Virginia, to its present status as the capstone of eight different vital ministries in Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Union Mission remains true to its original purpose.
Our Value: We partner with Union Mission Ministries because we and they take seriously Jesus’ message in Matthew 25:35-36, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”
Back to God Ministries International
Mission Statement: to use God’s story to reframe lives all around the world, using media to share the Gospel, disciple believers, and strengthen the church.
Back to God Ministries International (BTGMI) is the media ministry of our denomination. It began back in 1939 as a radio program called The Back to God Hour. The ministry not only produces radio programs, but also television broadcasts, The Today devotional booklets, smartphone apps, and Internet websites. Content is produced in 10 languages. One of the notable English radio programs is Kids Corner, the half-hour episodes of child-friendly drama. The program teaches God’s truth in a fun way. There are a half-dozen English websites including Family Fire (a resource about families, dating, marriage, parenting and more, run by pastors and counselors), Think Christian (an online magazine that thoughtfully analyzes contemporary culture from a Christian viewpoint). Resources and programs from Back to God Ministries spread the message of salvation to many corners around the globe. It is one of the most far-reaching ministries of our denomination.
Our Value: We believe that it is critical for us to support innovative ways to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to every corner of the earth.